...and I am very happy there.

...and I am very happy there.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Views from the Hammock

Wow, took me forever to figure out how to use this new blog set-up! So now I may actually start blogging again!

I got so frustrated I almost started a new blog (Views from the Hammock)...then thought better of if and took the time to figure this out...changes, changes, changes.

A lot of change going on in my life right now...my work hours have been cut back to 2 1/2 days. I have mixed emotions about this...I LOVE being off for the summer. I am still able to provide health insurance for Jim and I. I have part-time job possibilities flying at me and amazingly I am able to collect unemployment for one of the two days I don't work. God is good!

Other changes...ugh, I continue my trip down menopause lane...I hate the hot flashes, the raw emotions, the old teenage anger that can flare while the mature me tries to keep it in check.

The weight is not coming off, but I admit I am not trying that hard. We eat really healthy and well (maybe too well, huh hem.) I hate exercise even though I enjoy Zumba and hiking. I don't like doing it every day! I hate sweating to a point of being drained not only of water but of the will to move, though I do understand the sweating is a good thing...I hate humidity too. Humidity drains as well.

Enough feeling sorry for myself! I was just thinking the other day how blessed I am.

As a dear friend and sister in the Lord struggles in a hospital bed to survive after complications from surgery, her five children, husband, mom and siblings and countless friends and extended family praying for her to recover, I count my blessings.

1. I have a God who loves me enough to send his son to die for me.
2. I have a brother in Christ who was willing to die for my sins.
3. I have the Holy Spirit to guide me throughout my day.
4. I have a husband who loves me and sticks with me through thick and thin...;).
5. I have sons I am tremendously proud of.
6. I have two beautiful grandsons to enjoy.
7. I have two wonderful daughters through marriage that make me happy and make my sons happy.
8. I have a job that provides for us atm.
9. I have a financial cushions that provides me the ability to say to all the financial wizards -- "Okay, we did what you suggested!"
10. We have a mortgage that is paid off.
11. We have no credit card debt.
12. I have friends from so many walks in life that it makes my life interesting.
13. I live in an age where I can contact friends from all over the world to let them know when I need them to pray, to talk, or to play (Word with Friends!)
14. I have food, clothing and shelter and so much more.
15. I have means and ability to do the things I like best: help others. No we are not rich by US economic standards, but we have more than so many and so much to give of ourselves.

We are truly blessed and I thank God who provides more than I can ask or imagine!